Monday, October 20, 2008

Goodbye Prague...hello Dresden!

Our last night in Prague, we finally found the elusive, but often recommended Champagne bar called Bugsy's.  It was hidden on a side street not far from Louis Vuitton (which we used as a landmark to tell us where we were in the city...).  I think Jake was wondering what he got himself into at this point.

The next morning, we got up early and were driven to Berlin.  On the way, we stopped for lunch in Dresden.  Almost the entire city was flattened during WWII, but remarkably has been rebuilt in the same design as before.

Jake and Patty found what they were interested in quickly...a watch shop!  They were like kids in a candy store!!

Jake says this is a "Kitty Kresser" pose


Unknown said...

It all looks so pretty!! I am so glad, it looks like you guys had a blast!! And Berlin looks sweet!

Sandra Kresser said...

Thanks for sharing your wonderful trip with us. I am so glad that you had such a great time!