Monday, January 10, 2011

Turkey - It's not just for Thanksgiving

My mom is the biggest promoter of turkey dinners year round. She claims that they are easiest thing to make for big parties. Now, previous to last night, I had only made turkey dinner one Thanksgiving...and I had complete and utter anxiety over it because I was feeding my in-laws and I wanted it to be perfect. However, yesterday, I made a delicious turkey dinner for my brother and his amazing wife Traci. As much as I hate to say it (I find myself saying it more and more as I get older), maybe my mom was right! You don't just have to eat Turkey on Turkey is pretty delicious other times of the year too!

Now, you don't have to make all of the million calorie side items you feel are necessary around the holidays. Serve it simply with a salad and/or a light side item. You don't have to have mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, jello salad, etc. Serve it like you would a potroast...or meatloaf. The turkey itself is pretty healthy (especially if you just buy the breast...even though you miss out on the flavor of dark meat, you also miss out on the fat). So, yes, another example of my mom knowing what she is talking about...and me having to admit it.

In other Turkey news...look at this Turkey! Couldn't you just gobble him up? He is now 3lbs and 13oz! He is growing like a good boy and he is now starting to learn to bottle feed. Uncle Jake was so excited to hold him!

1 comment:

Brett & Chummy said...

Agreed! We had turkey last week, they're so good and pretty cheap too. Love them!